theorem of least work 意味

  • 最小仕事{さいしょう しごと}の定理{ていり}


        least work:    作業経済{さぎょう けいざい}の法則{ほうそく}
        law of least work:    作業経済{さぎょう けいざい}の法則{ほうそく}
        least-work theory:    least-work theory 最小仕事の理論
        principle of least work:    最小仕事{さいしょう しごと}の原理{げんり}
        theorem of virtual work:    theorem of virtual work 仮想仕事の定理[機械]
        work energy theorem:    
        work kinetic energy theorem:    
        work out a theorem:    定理{ていり}を解く
        work-energy theorem:    仕事{しごと}?エネルギーの関係式{かんけいしき}
        work-kinetic energy theorem:    仕事{しごと}?運動{うんどう}エネルギー理論{りろん}
        (not) in the least:    (not) in the least 分厘 ぶんりん 毫も ごうも
        at least:    at least せめて 少なくも 尠くも すくなくも 少なくとも 尠くとも すくなくとも 位 くらい
        at the least:    
        in the least:    in the least 苟も いやしくも
        least:     least pron. 最小. 【動詞+】 The least you could do is (to) go and apologize to her. 君にできるせめてものことは彼女に謝罪しに行くことだ Writing to your parents is the least you could have done. せめて両親に手紙を書くことぐらいできただろう


  1. "theorem of conservation of momentum" 意味
  2. "theorem of corresponding states" 意味
  3. "theorem of identity" 意味
  4. "theorem of implicit function" 意味
  5. "theorem of information theory" 意味
  6. "theorem of lyapunov" 意味
  7. "theorem of mean" 意味
  8. "theorem of pappus" 意味
  9. "theorem of three moments" 意味
  10. "theorem of implicit function" 意味
  11. "theorem of information theory" 意味
  12. "theorem of lyapunov" 意味
  13. "theorem of mean" 意味

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